Welcome to the whimsical world of Nalini. Whilst I may be a Coach, Mentor, Podcast Host, Speaker, Author, Artist and Advocate, it all began many years ago in Zimbabwe, Africa.

Allow me to take you on a journey…


I was born in Chandigarh, India, a small town in the foothills of the Himalayas.
My dad is Indian, my mom is English and blended together, makes me Anglo-Indian. I was raised in Zimbabwe, which is where my mom first became a Christian. A while later, my dad converted from Hinduism to Christianity and after attending Bible College, became a full-time Pastor.


“My whole childhood was gearing me towards becoming a world-renowned story-teller and pianist”


I remember watching the Billy Graham Crusades as a little girl and thinking “I want to introduce people to the love of Jesus through stories and music”. And so my musical dream began at the tender age of four. My parents enrolled me in the Associated Board of the Royal College of Music in London. Examiners were flown to Zimbabwe each year where I along with a handful of students would have to sit with nerves controlled, playing to perfection.

It was years of discipline, determination and drive. It was a grueling and nerve-racking process. Results would come in at the end of the year and then the hard work would begin again for yet another year of toil, only harder and more strenuous this time.

The weeks rolled into months, the months into years.

By the tender age of 18, I was ready. I boarded a plane to London, leaving everything and everyone I had ever known and loved to venture into the great unknown with a suitcase and a dream. Only to discover four months later, I was pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby.
I felt as though my dream was over before it had even begun.


I had no choice but to shove the dream into the wardrobe of my mind, lock the door and live with a silent ache for years, as I focused my attention on becoming the best wife and mother I could possibly be. I loved my husband and I loved my baby, but the silent ache never left me.

This is my Story 

Growing up in a small town in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, I often found myself sitting on the sidelines wondering why I wasn’t like everybody else.


After struggling to feel like I genuinely belonged for most of my life, I decided it was time to break free from my limitations and step into the person I was always meant to be — confident and free to live the life I’ve always imagined.


But let's be honest... it's never that easy.


Grab a copy of my book 'The Orange Hue' and learn more about my journey to fulfilling my dream.

(Also available on Amazon in Paperback, eBook and Audio Book format).



“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”
- Les Brown

I share my story because I believe everyone is born with dreams for the future, just like me. Reality strikes and before you know it, the dream is a distant childhood fantasy, not suitable for adults.

However I’ve come to realise that you have to go on a journey of self discovery that leads to molding and shaping like you never expected. To then come out years later still holding on to the very same dream, only this time, you’re a little more ready for it. But this only happens if you don’t allow reality to sabotage the dream.

I share my story to ignite a flame within your heart, so that you can be true to your own story and not abort your dream before it’s time.

I come alongside the dreamers, the visionaries, the ones who see beyond the crap, who cling on to a hope that this season will pass and if I simply endure by standing firm, I will see my dream come to fruition.

I was the holder of dormant dreams and as a result, I lived with a silent ache for way too long. What I didn’t realise was, that by shoving my dreams and desires into the back of the wardrobe, by writing myself off, disqualifying and self sabotaging myself, I was quietly dying on the inside.

I was becoming a lesser version of me and in doing so, I was unable to give the best of me to my loved ones. The ripple effect is far reaching and doesn’t stop with you.

We have way too much to give to allow lies and hurdles to rob us of who we really are.

This is why I do what I do.



For all the ladies, our next intake for the 'Unlock Your True Identity 21 Day Challenge' is NOW OPEN. Sign up and transform the way you see yourself and the way you do life.

You are what you think. If you have battled with negative thought processes concerning who you are, what you are here for and what you're capable of, then this is for you. It's time to take back control so that you can live your best life going forward. We now have a newly released TEEN EDITION for the younger generation 13-19 yo's. Click here for more information.

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Grab a copy of my book “The Orange Hue”.

It’s raw and honest. I open up about my dreams and desires, my mistakes and hurdles that almost took me out. I believe it will speak right into your soul. It will quicken dreams and desires that have maybe laid dormant within you. It will stir your heart and will challenge you to question whether you are really, truly happy to leave those dreams locked away, or whether it’s time to ignite a flame.

Grab Your Copy Today

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Bring music to your soul

Or maybe, you simply want to listen to some life-giving songs that will spur you on and minister to your soul.

Listen to Some Melodies

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