'If withholding physical touch is deadly, that one is a hundred times more so'.
- Daniel Muggeridge
In today's society, we often shy away from discussing the dark and difficult aspects of our lives. But it’s in these hidden places that real healing begins. On the latest episode of the Under the Rug Podcast, I had the privilege of sitting down with Daniel Muggeridge—a man who has faced some of life’s toughest challenges and come out stronger on the other side.
Daniel’s story is not just one of success in the business world; it’s a deeply personal tale of love, loss, and redemption. Fourteen years into his marriage, Daniel found himself in the middle of an affair that would change the course of his life. What followed was a decade-long secret followed by separation, self-discovery, and eventually, a bold attempt to ride a motorbike from Australia to England during the height of the COVID pandemic.
Throughout our conversation, Daniel opened up about the unraveling of his marriage, the impact of poor communication, and the importance of keeping God at the center of our relationships. He shared valuable insights for both husbands and wives on how to nurture a healthy relationship, and offered advice for dating couples and churches looking to better prepare their youth for marriage.
One of the most powerful moments in our discussion came when Daniel spoke about the mental and emotional toll of losing everything—his family, his business, and his home—and how he found the strength to start over. His journey led him to create a support network for men who, like him, found themselves homeless after divorce.
Final Thoughts
As I reflect on our conversation, I’m reminded of the importance of vulnerability and the healing that comes when we allow God into the darkest corners of our lives. It’s only when we stop hiding and start confronting these issues that true restoration can begin.
I encourage you to listen to the full episode and share it with anyone who might benefit from hearing Daniel’s story. And remember, no matter what you’ve been through, now’s not the time to give up. Now’s the time to get up.
Watch my conversation with Daniel Muggeridge on Youtube or Spotify

If you have been impacted by anything addressed in this interview, or if you have any questions pertaining to the Under the Rug Podcast, then please do not hesitate to reach out via [email protected]
Additional Resources:
🏡 Housing Support for Men - New Horizons House
🏍️ Daniel's Bike Ride Across the World
Connect with Daniel:
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